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Build Credit

Ahead's credit-building feature is designed to set them up for future success. It includes a controlled credit card that helps young users establish and manage their credit under parental supervision.

Build Credit
Build Credit Cafe

How it Works

Ahead gives teens a controlled credit card to all teens who sign up with a parent on the app. When teens use this card, it acts as a debit card - taking the funds out of their account. However, Ahead reports these transactions as good payment history to the three credit bureaus under an authorized user account for the teen. Allowing them to have a credit score under 18.

Parental Oversight

Allowing your teen to start building credit before 18 can feel daunting, but with the Ahead app, parents can confidently guide their teens through this milestone. The app offers parental controls to monitor and manage spending, saving, and learning activities. Additionally, Ahead provides educational resources to help teens understand credit and financial responsibility, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future.

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